2002-10-08 : Grits and Mushy feelings
Woke up this morning and was watching the news when it dawned on me "gee..I could just call in sick today. I mean, Its COLD outside this bed and look at how FOGGY it is over the lake and it is only 7:20 and I'm still SLEEPY and I could just spend the whole day in my pajamas, reading my book, surfing Diaryland, petting the kitties, taking naps and bringing a new definition to the word LAZY." So this idea kept growing in my head and getting stronger and stronger and it WON OUT over the little, weak, terminally ill voice that said "NO NO NO! Go to work. Get your ass out of this bed and into the shower. You'll be glad you didn't let yourself stay at home and besides you should try to miss work as little as possible so that you can use sick days for when you actually MIGHT BE SICK!"..well, I'm glad the powerful BE LAZY voice won out!

Poppy is lying on the bed again sleeping, thankfully. She was being such a pest for affection about an hour ago. Usually she doesn't do that when I'm on the computer but I don't know what her deal was. She kept meowing and meowing at me and she made a running leap onto my lap (her claws that need trimming badly just barely missed digging themselves into my thighs and drawing blood). Still, how could I resist a purring, off-kilter kittie in my lap so I was petting and petting her but she wouldn't be stilled, so down on the floor she went. I guess she decided she needed a nap.

Last night after consuming copious amounts of spicy chicken teriyaki and eating more than my fair share of potstickers (gyoza..I just love that word..gyoza) at this Teriyaki place down the street my mouth was just burning in a sexy sort of way, and I was still feeling steamy from watching Secretary hours ago but when Jay and I were cuddling on the couch I felt the that tingly lusting feeling in my loins that I haven't felt towards him for SO LONG. It was like when we first met and all I wanted to do was kiss him and be naked in his bed and see how long it would take him before he would start kissing the back of my neck and putting on that goddamn Dead Boys' record, which was always our non-verbal cue for "let's DO IT!"...It was nice to feel that again. Then right before he went to sleep I was laying with him and he was stroking my hair and was saying "are you my baby?" and it was sweet and I felt like we were in love again. Those moments are few and far between but it gave me hope knowing that there is something in me still that can feel that way about him. I guess our marriage isn't doomed after all..not that I always feel like it is but things become so routine, too boringly, mind-numbingly comfortable. Maybe that is a good thing, though.

Anyways, I"m enjoying my day home from work and I've eaten a bowl of grits and I might indulge myself in something really crappy like candy and cookies and ice cream and eat nothing else. One thing that I've noticed about grits is that after sitting in the bowl awhile they become so gloppy and thick and sticky with consistency that I am convinced that grits could be used in the place of concrete to make buildings and such. Hmmm....