2004-11-04 : Mundane Entry
A friend sent me this link and I think it's pretty hilarious:


Make sure to look at ALL the rooms, etc. The comments are funny as well!! My head and neck have been aching on and off since last night. I think it's because I did my first stint of shelving books and videos at the Public Library yesterday. I did it for about an hour and a half and I think the constant rearranging of the books, trying to make space for new videos, etc. put a slight strain on my neck and shoulder muscles, causing me to have this headache. It's not a big deal though. WHen I was shelving books and videos is was mostly for Young Adult (because I think another volunteer had come in before me and shelved EVERYTHING else) and I didn't even realize they had a separate Young Adult video/Dvd section. They had some good videos that could have as easily belonged in the Adult video section, such as "Pretty in Pink", "Much Ado About Nothing" and "The Graduate", so now I'll have to make sure to check out what are on those shelves in case I might want to rent something.

It is CHILLY out. It's only 40 degrees or so. The central heating in this house doesn't reach up this room very well and so we have a space heater. The space heater is turned up pretty high but I'm still wearing pajamas, socks, and a hoodie and it's still chilly. Maybe I need to drink some hot herbal tea and take a hot bath.
At least it's been sunny and crisp out the past couple of days. Feels like the beginning of winter (except alot of trees haven't lost all of their leaves yet)

We happened to catch the first episode of "Regency House Party" on PBS last night. It was highly entertaining. A "period piece" reality-dating show. That is much more up my alley than all the other bullshit reality shows they have on (which I don't watch and never really have)....

I written a little over 5,000 words now for "The Imipramine Experiment" and I need to dig in and try to see if I can write another 3,000 to 5,000 in the next day or two. The story is flowing out of me, though, which is good.

I keep waking up EVERY morning between 3:40 and 3:50 am. It is fucking annoying! Why can't I just sleep straight through for 8 or 9 hours?? The 5-HTP doesn't seem to be helping me sleep as much as it was before. I'm not remembering my dream as much, either. Hmmmm....Hmmmmm.